W/C 15th June
M 10.5 miles (6:34mm), 6 miles (7:14mm)
T 7 miles (6:50mm)
W 10.5 miles including 2X1M, 3X0.5M, 8X100m – (4:56, 4:57, 2:24, 2:25, 2:29)
T 10 miles (7:04mm), 6 miles (7:23mm)
F 8 miles (7:10mm)
S 6 miles (7:02mm)
S Rest
Total 65.1 miles (6:56mm)
W/C 22nd June
M Rest
T Rest
W 6 miles (7:03mm)
T 7.5 miles (6:30mm)
F 8 miles (6:30mm)
S 10 miles (6:15mm) including 2X10mins (4mins) – 5:24, 5:19 pace
S 15 miles (6:29mm)
Total 47.4 miles (6:31mm)
Another double blog this week! In the main because
there hasn’t been much running going on and without wanting to sound too
dramatic I’ve not had the motivation to put down in print how annoying
my training has been of late.
It seems to have been one step forward, two back
with many of the last few weeks. That said, I’m trying to remain
positive and to be fair proper marathon training hasn’t even started yet
and I
should arrive at the specific phase in better shape than I have
ever done previously. It was the aim however to hit it in prime 5k/10k
shape and I suspect that will not happen given it’s now less than 3
weeks to the Podium 10k. So what has been the
problem? The simple answer is that I don’t know. I can hypothesise
around various things including a long term underlying virus that may or
may not be in my system, struggling with the intensity of the quicker
workouts, not fully recovered from London, other
possible health issues. All I can do is keep going and try to keep the
consistency going and take it easy when my body is telling me to do so. I
did also wonder whether I was perhaps showing some of the symptoms of
Stage 1 of Overtraining syndrome. This seems
strange though given the much reduced mileage and not much else
changing in my life that would put further stresses on the body! This
prompted me to book an appointment with the Doctor and given his
preliminary examination he has booked me in for a blood test,
and ECG and ultrasound on my heart. He said he thought he could hear a
murmur which is not uncommon especially in athletes so although it’s a
little concerning I’m trying not to be too worried at this stage.
I came back from holiday a couple of weeks ago
really revved up in every aspect of my life and keen to hit this next
block of training but by the weekend I was shattered! I was at a
conference on Tuesday and Wednesday and got an OK if slightly
tired session in on the Wednesday morning along the Embankment in
London. This was the same session I did a few weeks ago of 2X1mile,
3X0.5mile, 8X100m hard and it was much better than last time but I was
pretty smoked afterwards and the last 0.5 mile I was
dying a little. Full details are above. Anyway as I say by the weekend I
was truly exhausted; I could barely climb the stairs after an easy 6
mile run and literally everything hurt. Muscles so tight and sore and I
was completely wiped out. Despite all this
there was no other obvious signs of illness. This led me to the
decision not to race the 10k I had planned and I think it was sensible
as I wasn’t in a position to run on either Monday or Tuesday of last
week either. I decided I would try a little run out
on Wednesday and it did feel much better, by Friday I was itching for
something a little quicker so chucked in 2X10minutes in a 10 miler on
Saturday which was OK but far from super comfortable at what I hope to
be target race pace for Berlin in 13 weeks’ time!