T 13.5 miles including 6X1mile (5:46mm), 5.5 miles (7:25mm)
W 6 miles (7:48mm), 9 miles HA (6:40mm)
T 10.5 miles (6:51mm), 7miles HA (7:00mm), 5.5 miles (7:25mm)
F 8.5 miles (6:02mm)
S 8.5 miles HA (7:00mm)
S 17 miles including 45 minutes acceleration run (6:02mm)
Total 100 miles
Aerobic efficiency 969 beats per mile Vs 986 beats per mile
Weight 143.1lbs Vs 142.8lbs
Body Fat 10.53% (15.06lbs) Vs 10.6% (15.14lbs)
Lean Body Mass 84.97% (121.6lbs) Vs 84.45% (120.59lbs)
Water 64.78% (92.69lbs) Vs 63.8% (91.11lbs)
This was the third week of triple figures on the bounce and I was looking forward to getting to the end of it so I could have a cut back week as I freshen up for the Stockport 10 next week. All went to plan with a very solid session on Tuesday. Tuesday's session was 6X1mile with a half mile float. Mike had wanted me to run the miles in around 5:10 pace but keep the pace quite high on the recoveries around 6:40 pace. It went very well with the miles averaging 5:05 pace and the recoveries just under 6:30 per mile. Although I did have to stop and use the facilities at a local day care centre just after the second effort! It wouldn't have been pretty had they not taken pity on me, it was a bit like the scene from American Pie where Paul Finch gets caught short!
So it was a really good session and shows I'm in good shape albeit it did leave me feeling a little sore and my calves were very tight so I had to ditch some planned hill sprints on the Thursday to make sure I was ready for the long run on Sunday which was to be a bit of a tester. I ran moderate to easy between Tuesday and Sunday as I knew it would be a tough one.
I decided that I would use this Long run to practice with a bit of fueling, so I ensured I had a decent breakfast a couple of hours before hand and had a sports drink in the half hour before I set off. I have always done my long runs and most sessions completely fasted so it was a strange feeling to be flying out of the blocks ready to push hard. I felt myself having to hold back and the moderate hour on the roads felt very easy at 6:34 pace. I then jumped on the Treadmill for an acceleration run. I was keen to do this on the treadmill as I could control the increase in pace and not have to worry about crossing roads at pace. The plan was to gradually accelerate for 30 minutes to finish at c10k effort and then run 10 mins easy to cool down. It went really well and the last 5 minutes of effort average 4:42 pace so probably equivalent of just sub 5:00 pace on the road. I was certainly working as you can see in the video below but I was by no means about to drop off the back!
Weight has gone up a fraction this week but body composition has improved quite a bit and I feel much happier to have carbs back in my life. This has also been reflected in an improvement in Aerobic efficiency. I will go a little lower on the carbs with it being a down week this week before going back to a more normal diet on Friday and Saturday to ensure the glycogen stores are nice and full ready for a hard blast on Sunday. Mike asked me what I'm hoping for but it's been a long time since I raced well at anything shorter than a marathon so not sure what to expect. That said I am in good shape and if conditions are good, I will be prepared to put myself in the hurt box.