T 9 miles HA (6:43mm), 6 miles inc. strides & drills (7:14mm)
W 22 miles (6:01mm), 6 miles (6:37mm)
T 7.5 miles HA (6:49mm), 6 miles (6:37mm)
F 5 miles (7:13mm)
S 11 miles inc Long Leg at 12-stage Road Relays
S Ill.
Total 90 miles (6:37mm)
Core & Drills 25 mins
Total Training Time 10hrs 23mins
Aerobic efficiency 937 Vs 913 beats per mile
Oh crap! I'm ill with a horrid virus. It has taken me a few days to write this as I was just so grumpy about things. I had a decent last long run last Wednesday over a hilly route but then I started to feel a bit off. I was super anxious about the national relays and while I'm not much use at the shorter stuff anyway, I felt even more pressure on myself than ever before. I know now why that was the case as I woke up on Sunday with next to no energy, bunged up and a splitting headache. Since then I have felt achey all over and haven't run a step. It may explain the bad run (28:46 on a long leg) when I had been expecting to run closer to 27 minutes given recent sessions but the run itself didn't feel too bad. I felt strong but just couldn't get the legs moving.
Final bit at the Relays. Photo Credit: Adrian Royle.
An interesting thing I noted during the week was that my aerobic efficiency had gone down quite a lot. This should have been a tell-tale sign that I was coming down with something but I chose to ignore it. Runner's denial is a powerful thing.
So it has left me with a quandary over the past few days and one I have finally made a decision on. London was always the big focus for Spring and I felt like I was getting into sub 2:20 shape, my confidence was high but like anything to do with marathons you have to have everything go your way, especially in the last few weeks and on race day to come out with what you want. As much support from friends I have had over recent days, I have unfortunately lost the faith now that I can PB. A weak mind is not what one needs when looking to hurt themselves for 26.2 miles. Of course some may argue that it is too soon to make a call on London and that a few days off wont affect anything too much and that is a valid point but I do know my body best and my mind has now irreversibly shifted to loftier goals.
Of course I will run London. I am Running for Charlie but from a personal point of view it is no longer about striving for that arbitrary time that I have had myself so worked up about for the past few months. That will have to wait until the Autumn when I have another crack at Berlin.
What now? Well this mishap has allowed me to look at what else I can do and as I was already entered for the English 50k Championships at the end of May that was a possibility but I had been dabbling with the thought of doing the 100k instead which doubles as the GB Championships. I have never run that far and it will be somewhere around seven hours of running but I am convinced the distance will suit me! I don't have a top gear but I have a decent engine and I feel I can endure. So now my goal has shifted to challenge for a podium spot at the GB Championships at the 100k. I will train through London, assuming I am back running in the next few days but look to get some decent miles in before my first Ultra on 21st May.
As readers will know who read my blog, this year I am trying to help my colleague Jo raise funds for her son Charlie. Charlie suffers with Cerebral Palsy amongst other severe medical conditions. The long and short of it is that Charlie needs Spinal Chord surgery and this is not funded by the NHS. So Jo is raising money to pay for the surgery and post-op physio herself. This is a mammoth task as she is looking to raise £85,000 so I would be highly grateful if anyone that reads this blog could consider donating to the cause. I and many readers are incredibly lucky to have the quality of life that Charlie can only dream of and hopefully some of you will help Jo with her efforts. Please donate if you can spare a few pounds.
Charlie's Footsteps