M 70 mins (7:48mm), 40 mins TM Hike @ 15%
T 80 mins inc 60 mins Sub-Threshold (6:36mm), 30 mins TM Recovery (8:34mm)
W 70 mins (7:47mm), 30 mins TM Recovery (8:36mm)
T 60 mins (7:54mm), 40 mins TM Hike @ 15%
F 75 mins inc 7x1k(90s), 5x40s(120s) (6:57mm)
S 50 mins (8:42mm)
S 105 mins (7:30mm)
Total - 75 miles (7:37mm) Vs 65 miles (7:52mm) last week
Total Training time, including TM Hikes! - 10hrs 51mins Vs 10hrs 32 mins
Aerobic Efficiency - 1121 beats per mile Vs 1226 bpm
Weight - 167.8lbs Vs 167.1lbs
Why do I run? Why does anyone run? One of Life's BIG questions. Allegedly.
About seven years ago, my wife, Hania's grandfather asked her when I was going to stop running. Hania said 'I don't know'. He then went on.. ' why does he run?'. Hania replied 'I don't know'. At this point you may be thinking that I dont speak with my wife at all and we're essentially strangers. That's not exactly true, but for a none runner the thought of running for more than trying to catch a bus does seem pretty alien. Hania is not a runner and nor is her grandfather, Edmund.
If you ask a runner why they run however, there will be a myriad of responses: 'to show I can do anything', 'to keep fit', ' to make friends', 'so I can eat cake', 'to compete', 'to win, 'for pleasure', 'for pain', 'for my health', 'for my mental health'.
I have been pondering the question myself this week, and whilst I will never do the question justice in the content of this blog I wanted to try and get some of my thoughts down in writing. Looking back to 2008 when I first started running regularly it was for health reasons. To be frank, I was a tubby little fucker and just needed to lose some weight. I had enjoyed running at school and so it was a natural decision to buy some trainers and get out again. Before long I start to dream about the next run, getting out there again, feeling the joy of the air moving over my body as I tap out a steady rhythm on the tarmac below my feet. I smile. This is pleasure. My passion grows, I enter races. I get quicker... I realise I can be competitive. The pain of racing and pushing to the absolute limit, feeling so close to death that paradoxically makes you feel so so alive. I cant imagine life without a hoard of running shoes. Running has not just become part of me, it has become what defines me. I run for England at the Marathon. An absolute dream. This pattern needs to continue, until... I break. I can no longer run. I feel lost. I can't chase times in races, my body has had enough. My mind has had enough. I cannot put my head through the stress of a big race again. Not with all that is going on in my busy life. Not with the pain that I feel about grieving for Dad, even though he's still technically here.
This is where I was until three weeks ago. Until I told myself enough is enough. I made the decision, that I was going to comeback... but what for? Was it for times? Races? That may have been my initial motivation, but strangely, it feels exactly the same as those very first steps I took 12 years ago. No expectations, just a will to be healthy again. I am getting healthier and fitter every day, and that makes me feel good. In fact, better than I have for a very very long time.
Why do I run? Because it's ace.