T 30 mins Recovery (8:19mm), Easy 90 mins (7:12mm)
W 20 mins (3:00), 4X3mins (2:00), 20 mins (6:23mm)
T Easy 75 mins (7:30mm)
F Rest
S Rest
S Easy 70 mins, Moderate 20mins, Easy 10 mins (6:59mm)
Total 71 miles (7:07mm)
Aerobic efficiency 1039 beats per mile
Weight 145.5lbs
Body Fat 12.43% (18.1lbs)
Lean Body Mass 83.2% (121.1lbs)
Water 61.93% (90.14lbs)
Fitness - 64.4
Fatigue - 66.4
Form - 0.9(Neutral)
I've been away. Why? Cause I have. Mentally I wanted to get into my own running before I got back to writing about it. I managed to run 378 miles through January building fitness gradually and being sensible with my diet. I had hoped to do the Yorkshire XC Championships at the beginning of January but having suffered a couple of viruses in December so I was nowhere near ready. I wasn't ready for the Northerns either but that didn't stop me having a little trot round. I kept it pretty comfortable for most and then pushed the last mile, finishing 157th. I really enjoyed it. It was a thrill to be back in the mix with some top runners. That said, I managed to tweak something in my quad/adductor though which meant last week's running was pretty minimal but made up for with some bike sessions. As I was fresh and my niggle had dissipated I decided to really give Dewsbury 10k a good go to see where I'm at.
157th at Northern XC Champs
Feeling strong at Dewsbury 10k. 25th 33:41 chip time.
I remembered running Dewsbury three years ago hoping to break 31! I struggled coming with 32:47 that day despite being fit! Thankfully that recce was quite useful as I knew that the course was gradually uphill for the first half, followed by the same gentle slope back down to the finish. This made the race prime for a negative split. I set off comfortably with the plan to get close to emptying the tank but not quite! I reach the turnaround in 17:04 and gradually picked it up towards the end with a 16:37 second half finishing in 33:41. The effort was hard and it has certainly given me confidence that I can definitely get into sub 2:20 shape for 28th April. I just have to turn that pace into something that is a bit slower than Marathon Pace over the next twelve weeks. As I've never been a 10k runner I am sure this is achievable.
My weight is going down slowly and at a healthy rate. I also seem to be retaining quite a consistent level of lean body mass which implies that I am getting enough protein. It's so much easier when you're no longer vegan!
I did a marathon session of 20 mins, 4X3mins, 20 mins on the Wednesday and while it's clear I'm still a long way from my best, each week I seem to be improving; my aerobic efficiency is improving all the time. The 20 minute efforts averaged 5:45 pace and the three minute efforts 5:13 pace. Base don that session, I'm in around 2:31 marathon shape so all going in the right direction.
I wouldn't be me without picking up a lurgy though and Thursday's run told me I was coming down with something. Thankfully it wasn't too sinister, although Hania has been very ill with whatever is going around so I am grateful to have avoided it (touch wood). I finished the week off with a 100 minute run, some of which was at a good moderate pace.
So with 11 weeks to go, I feel like I am ready to start proper training. Mileage will be increasing and the sessions becoming more focused to the marathon. I just have to remember that my biggest friend will be consistency if I am going to chase down my dream; the daily practice of repeating the monotonous things over time will bring results on the 28th April. I hope you will enjoy the journey as I look to get this 2:20 monkey off my back.
Nice one!