Sunday 25 March 2012

Week 14: 19th - 25th March 2012

M AM 6.19 miles recovery (7:16mm avge), PM 4 miles recovery (7:12mm avge)
T 6.99 miles general aerobic (6:49mm avge)
W Rest
T Rest
F 5.99 miles general aerobic (6:47mm avge)
S Rest
S 20.04 miles progressive (6:28mm avge)

Total 43.2 miles (6:45mm avge)

So a bit of a nightmare this week to be honest. After last weeks great marathon pace session on Sunday I was looking forward to a good week with a strong race on Saturday morning. Unfortunately it wasn't to be.

I woke up on Monday very tired and felt a bit ropey but thought that it could just be a result of the hard training last weekend and so I plodded out my recovery run. I then did the same at lunchtime on Monday and I started to come round to the fact that things were not alright! Normally by the second recovery run on a Monday my heart rate has returned to normal levels and I feel good but I still felt pretty ropey so I prepared that a cold was on it's way. Monday evening it hit and I had very achy muscles as well as generally just not feeling fantastic. Perhaps that's why Sunday's run had been so relatively comfortable as the virus had already got in and my body was full of white blood cells trying to fight off the bug which gave me an unrealistic lift.

I went out regardless on Tuesday morning to do an interval session but I knew when I tried a few 50m strides in the warm up that effort wise it was just not going to be on so I decided to keep it to an easy run although it felt far from easy.

I decided that I needed some proper rest to get better but was hopeful that I would be OK for some decent training come the weekend but knew that it wouldn't be worth doing the 10k race I had planned as I wouldn't do myself justice and a really hard effort could set me back further. So it was a case of playing it by ear. Despite feeling OK in myself, and indeed if I wasn't into running in a big way I really wouldn't be too fussed but everything just felt so tough when I tried to run. I decided that I would test the water on Friday and went out with the intention to do about 10 miles fairly easily but my chest felt pretty heavy and my asthma was really impacted so decided to cut it short to a 6 miler. More rest needed.

Saturday I jumped out of bed ready to go for my run but for one reason or other didn't actually get round to it for a change which perhaps was a blessing in disguise as it would allow my body yet more time to recover.

And then to Sunday where I just didn't know what was going to happen.... I told my wife Hania that I could be out for anything from 40 mins to 2hrs 20!

I ended up doing a 20 miler which was not too bad. In fact, the fact that I managed a 20 miler is encouraging that I'm over the worst of it. But I was definitely working harder for the resultant pace than I have done recently and my lungs weren't too happy about things if I'm brutally honest. I just hope my chest fully clears up over the next couple of days as I still need to get a big week's training in before tapering. I have decided that I want to do another Marathon Paced session in a long run as a result of missing a couple of key sessions this week as I feel it'll give me the confidence boost I need. I have entered the Paddock Wood half next Sunday for this reason. I'll do a good 7 mile warm up, jump on the start line and then churn out another run at hopefully c5:35mm feeling comfortable. I just hope the virus really is on it's way out as I could do without another week's interrupted training.... Although if I'm honest training couldn't have gone any better up until last Sunday and a marathon campaign is rarely plain sailing!

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